No, good does not always win. It doesn’t even usually win.
Because if a good person and an evil person are forced to work together for a common goal, as soon as that goal is achieved, the evil one can stab the good one in the back, whereas the good one not only would refuse to do so, the idea probably wouldn’t even have occurred to them.
And the finally tally from that whole endeavor? Not only did evil become victorious and prosper (in whatever manner achieving their goal resulted in) but there’s now one less good person in the world.
Evil: 2. Good: 0
Or much shorter: The Good are willing to sacrifice themselves to accomplish their goals. The Evil are willing to sacrifice their enemies to accomplish their goals. Who’s left standing by the end?
No, good does not always win. It doesn’t even usually win.
Because if a good person and an evil person are forced to work together for a common goal, as soon as that goal is achieved, the evil one can stab the good one in the back, whereas the good one not only would refuse to do so, the idea probably wouldn’t even have occurred to them.
And the finally tally from that whole endeavor? Not only did evil become victorious and prosper (in whatever manner achieving their goal resulted in) but there’s now one less good person in the world.
Evil: 2. Good: 0
Or much shorter: The Good are willing to sacrifice themselves to accomplish their goals. The Evil are willing to sacrifice their enemies to accomplish their goals. Who’s left standing by the end?
"I’ve found that evil usually triumphs…unless good is very, very careful."
~DR. MCCOY, Star Trek: The Original Series, "The Omega Glory"