0736 And The Big Battle Is Joined
on June 3, 2008
Chapter: Lich of the Rings Pt. I
Characters: Bob the Beholder, Clover Firelight, King Eric III of Drostardy, Lucas Greyfort, Maula Bloodhand, Rhea Chief Archer of Elwood
Location: WyldWood Forest
I never got why the Orc and Goblinoid soldiers (and clerics) suddenly started openly worshiping Kila just because the Bugbear king and a prominent noble Orc widow decided to be openly and fanatically loyal to Lewie.
1. they have a lot of personal loyalty earned to date. Maula practically IS the orc leader, in practical terms if not in technical titles. It’s been shown most orcs are almost fanatically loyal to her.
2. Their cultures are not electoral democracies. You follow your leader or the leader pulls your head off your shoulders. Try to run away, and the loyal will gleefully shoot you in the back, if only to prove their loyalty and obedience to said leadership.