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on September 14, 2009
Chapter: Queen Under the Mountain
Characters: Bla'arg High Chieftan of the Kobolds, BowYaYa "the Indecisive" Gnoll Princess Since the Third (or tenth) Dynasty of the Razz Hyeeshat, Cuddles the Cloaker, Maula Bloodhand, Orb the Beholder Regent, Queen Elzear'bith of the Drow, Raash the Goblin Chieftan
Location: The Black Mountain
Dweller: "You know, I never see the Beholder King; only Bob’s around here that much, and Bob’s mostly alright. Do we know for sure the Beholder guy wouldn’t be good at the job?"
Bob: "The Hobgoblin King forbade him to visit the shared levels of the Caverns, because he considers ALL other races that live here as free FOOD. We decided not to tell him that the Hob king was run off… yet."
Dweller: (sweats) "ALL HAIL QUEEN BLOODHAND!"
Maura: "I didn’t say yes yet!"