Mrs. B may not care about amateur torture to *herself*, but with Gaggia kicking up such a fuss, they may consider turning to her to up the ante. As in, torturing her in front of Mrs.B. While Gaggia is tough, it’s a straightforward toughness; I doubt she’d handle torture anything like as well, and I think that would be MUCH harder for Mrs. B to take. ….. and have we seen the children lately? Speaking of more leverage…. 🙁
Ibkis was going to take them on a little adventure of their own, since they couldn’t go with daddy, I believe… With any luck, they were not in the area that was directly taken over, and have managed to lay low. Heck, they might be with Bob and Gren. But I am fairly sure the rest of the orcs are none to happy about the current circumstances, and if Ibkis is there to lead them, as a princess, she might get a chance to show some ferocity of her own.
"Amateurs. So cute." paraphrased from when she was commenting on Arachne’s skill level.
Told ya!! 😛 😀
Yep, you did. I’m happy that I was wrong.
You are probably correct more times than me, simply got lucky this time 😛
Mrs. B looks so innocent when she’s sleeping.
Probably the first time she has had a decent sleep after a relaxing massage in decades 😀
Can’t tell if Gaggia’s face in panel three is "Yeah, right!" or "I. Will. Kill. YOU!!"
Maybe a bit of both? o_O
A little from column ‘A’ and pretty much a lifetime’s supply of column ‘B’
Called it mentally. Thought to myself when I saw the prior page, "Gaggia keeps forgetting who mother in law is."
Not me 😀
Mrs B may not be on the same level as Arachne when it comes to torture-joy, but she’s still tough
I hope she’s not having the School Dream!
You guys are gonna be at this for a while…
Good, it will give Jais and the real DM’s a chance to launch their counter attack
Mrs. B may not care about amateur torture to *herself*, but with Gaggia kicking up such a fuss, they may consider turning to her to up the ante. As in, torturing her in front of Mrs.B. While Gaggia is tough, it’s a straightforward toughness; I doubt she’d handle torture anything like as well, and I think that would be MUCH harder for Mrs. B to take. ….. and have we seen the children lately? Speaking of more leverage…. 🙁
I’ve been thinking this for a while too…
…maybe the kids escaped?
Ibkis was going to take them on a little adventure of their own, since they couldn’t go with daddy, I believe… With any luck, they were not in the area that was directly taken over, and have managed to lay low. Heck, they might be with Bob and Gren. But I am fairly sure the rest of the orcs are none to happy about the current circumstances, and if Ibkis is there to lead them, as a princess, she might get a chance to show some ferocity of her own.
Hmm, where the hell is Bob?
A) Immune to "getting stoned"
B) Natural Enemy of any woman
…beating up those Rannites should be like heaven…
What about Jais her _her_ DM’s? They had better be mounting, or at least planning, a rescue soon!!
Mrs. B IS THUROUGHLY enjoying her massage session
It’s about time Mrs. B got a chance for some good sleep. The pressures of statescraft & politics are horribly stressful.