No, they just found the vidence they needed, that doesn’t mean they found the truth
But will stop now, this is getting into dangerous troll territory and don’t want Rich Morris to turn the webic around 😛
We both have our ideas and opinions but only Rich knows the truth of the matter 🙂
I wonder if the Fox is related to Arn…
Hope not, Arn was an arsehole
Dude, the Fox is not a saint.
Yeah, but he’s more of an ‘idiot saviour’ than a ‘murdering psychopath’ 😛
Hey, Arn being a murdering psychopath was never proven. It’s Niko’s version, and she was proven to be _lying_.
No, they just found the vidence they needed, that doesn’t mean they found the truth
But will stop now, this is getting into dangerous troll territory and don’t want Rich Morris to turn the webic around 😛
We both have our ideas and opinions but only Rich knows the truth of the matter 🙂