2837 Arachnes Ace on November 11, 2015 Chapter: The Serpent AwakesCharacters: Ajan the Barbarian Sorceress, Arachne the Drow, Conador Captain of the Barbarian Warriors, Duhr Beastmaster of Vallejo, Lucas Greyfort, Queen Elzear'bith of the Drow, Queen Lotharia She-Who-Rules-The-DayLocation: Dragon Spine Mountains Related Comics ¬ HAPPY 18th ANNIVERSARY 2866 Citizens Unite 1109 True Brew 2037 What An Offer 0165: Second Thoughts
I have to say, Arachne has never looked better to me.
…. except when she was naked.
So, what’s this about a ‘new’ body?
Arachne _always_ looks good 😀
Not a ‘new’ body, her ‘old’ body
"What possible advantage do we have??"
The utter absence of overconfidence.
That they know where Ranna’s body is, but Ranna doesn’t.
Well, duh. Lewie must have told her everything.
Lewie? Tell anyone about his sister and Dewcup?
Nah, more likely Arachne knows because she is one of the Sisterhood of the Spider (or whatever her spider tattoo signifies)
Well, he did tell her about Charlotte, though.
All of the drows are exposed to sunlight. I wonder why this isn’t a problem.
We don’t know what time of the day this is
There are special potions for that.
A potion of Sundial?
Nik meant for keeping Drow from frying in sunlight.