2882 Time To Regroup
on March 23, 2016
Chapter: The Serpent Awakes
Characters: Califfa Vanessa Al Saugren min Ch'Thier, Fatinah, Nin, Prince Kassim Ibn Tambid Al Umbril, Queen Anna of Shallmar
Location: Umbril: The City in the Shade
What’s a shipt? 😉
A typo, they do happen
So, they’re going to ride on a typo?
Sphinxotaur? Minosphinx?
I like Minixes
Oh yes, that’s a good name, just not ‘Minox’, that’s already in use
Probably Minosphinx, looking forward to seeing how they mix parentage (hopefully they won’t look _all_ the same, like a few Sphinx with the head and slash or upper torso of a bull and some mino’s with wings: lot of possibilities {and headaches 😛 } for the artist 😀 )
They should get Fang.
Fang is the ultimate wmd ☺
Yes, problem is, he is a ‘monster’ (as in, not-human), and he is Chaos… wait, Rich? you wouldn’t be pulling a "Fizban" with Fang, would you? o_O
you mean zifnab?
Do you even know who "Fizaban the Fabulous" was? o_O
no I thought you meant zifnab from the death gate cycle?
Same author(s), different series
Panel 1 is a great example of character writing:
A: "I state the obvious, unable to process recent events!"
B: "I have legitimate concerns, albeit that they are rooted in emotion!"
C: "I have certainty, and a focus on getting shit done."
Just realised, that the calipha seems to know a way to turn a gorgon back 😛
I missed something. How did Queen Anna get there? Oh. Ok I see. Departure: https://www.yafgc.net/comic/2820-secret-mission/ Arrival: https://www.yafgc.net/comic/2849-history-repeats/ I still don't understand. What is the connection between Anna and Vanessa? Why go to her of all people?