0079: Let Me Show You The Light on August 14, 2006 Chapter: 007 - Arachne in WyldwoodCharacters: Arachne the Drow, Prince GlitterbranchLocation: WyldWood Forest Related Comics ¬ 1200 The Agony Of Defeat 0621 Aw Crap 1063 Ill Sing You One Oh 0647 Because Reasons 3097 Check Out That Werewolf
Only a true artiste can give a pile of soot so much emotion (and all of it rage) 😀
… okay HERE is where he does a thing wrong.
I’ve never seen a… continuity… where Drow burst into flames in the sun like vampires.
Most got buy with a hood and maybe some sunglasses.
That must be over-dramatization. She just feel like a pile of ash… After the dark returns, she quickly turn back to her normal self.