0258 Royal Backlash on February 10, 2007 Chapter: The Pirate AdventureCharacters: King Eric III of DrostardyLocation: Felvo Island Related Comics ¬ 0276 Ya Ransom Ya Lose Some 0554 Eric Proposes 0553 Oh Happy Day Whoop 0199 Aerie Eyes Are Watching 0525 Sarges Tale
You know, that was a clever trick but kind of an asshole move to pull. That man was willing to give up a weapon in the middle of a battle against monsters to help an ally.
Except, he _was_ the enemy, and pirate at that
Let’s just call it a dishonorable tactic probably unworthy of a noble king… but I bet a certain halfling assassin would have gotten a kick out of it.
that is both brilliant an the biggest dick move ever
Who’d have thought that sweet nice Eric was able to pull such a dick move? Isn’t he way too honourable for that usually?
In a pitched battle? It’s not about honor. It’s about survival and victory. This isn’t a duel, after all.