0259 Fangs Uncanny Strategies on February 11, 2007 Chapter: The Pirate AdventureCharacters: Cap'n Fang, Ed Cotton, The Dread Pirate "Gentleman" John MathesonLocation: Felvo Island Related Comics ¬ 0269 Reuniorcs 0248 Nuts To THAT Solution 3429 A Good Bedside Manner 0193 Then Again 3203 As Luck Would Have It
Delegating is an important part of command, captain Fang delegates like a pro.
You do note that Cap’n Matheson is "commanding" the battle from the safe distance of his ship, yes?
In the 3rd panel…I know that song:
fang knows songs from earth, clearly hes an epic lvl hero who went mad after visiting one to many alternate planes