Panel 4 reminds me of an old joke:
What’s the difference between "kinky" & "perverted?"
"Kinky" makes use of a feather; "Perverted" uses the whole chicken.
I’m not sure how the joke relates here, but well, there it is…
If only because harpies don’t have hands, and can’t deftly manipulate much that we fingered folks take for granted. It’s why they don’t use tools or wear clothes (unless of course someone else dresses them to keep the sailors from walking into the masts).
So you figure, even if she somehow acquired a strap-on dildo, it’s not like she could buckle it on herself.
well hell he went from being a pariah in the human world to being 90’s george clooney. who wouldn’t take advantage
is that a tiefling in frame three? I strongly approve.
One day?! That +2 to constitution is really making itself known!
Well, if they wanted to start keeping track as of last night, Glon has 7, to Mrs. B’s 2 within the first 24 hours…
Ooops! Sorry. Glon has *8*
good lord a DAY that boy has the labeto of a billy goat in rut
He’s meant to be 18 i believe
plush he had been rejected often by the human girls
Panel 4 reminds me of an old joke:
What’s the difference between "kinky" & "perverted?"
"Kinky" makes use of a feather; "Perverted" uses the whole chicken.
I’m not sure how the joke relates here, but well, there it is…
what is it if your making use of a chicken without any feathers?
Then it’s called "dinner."
A man.
*Sax from Careless Whisper by George Michael plays*
Wait… Is Glon getting pegged by the harpy?
By *A* Harpy at least.
I thought the harpy was just giving Glon a post-coital backrub, but maybe I’m not imaginative enough.
Maybe I’m not familiar with the euphamisms you’re employing.
I thought what you thought mucat.
If only because harpies don’t have hands, and can’t deftly manipulate much that we fingered folks take for granted. It’s why they don’t use tools or wear clothes (unless of course someone else dresses them to keep the sailors from walking into the masts).
So you figure, even if she somehow acquired a strap-on dildo, it’s not like she could buckle it on herself.