0365: Weve Come So Far on May 28, 2007 Chapter: Boy 'o BobCharacters: Bob the Beholder, Gren Razortooth, TurgLocation: The Black Mountain Related Comics ¬ 2078 A Gnoll Of Determination 0144 Bathing Beauty 1344 The Kobold Rumour Mill 0686 Moving Right Along 1499 Sorry Biff Had To Happen Again
Just because you have ordered your meal does not mean that you can’t keep looking at the menu.
Um…Actually it does. When you’ve ordered, the waitress takes the menu back.
You might want to try a different analogy. 😉
How about, "Just because you’re on a diet doesn’t mean you can’t look at the menu?"
For all their infidelity, the two of them are deeply devoted to each other. Why don’t they just declare it an open relationship and roll with it?
Not evil enough.
She still has about 149 or 148 allowed cheats…