0431 Sexy As A Dog on August 2, 2007 Chapter: Turg's SagaCharacters: Flind Princess Dagmar, Flind Princess Geera, Flind Princess Yasha, Prince Kassim Ibn Tambid Al UmbrilLocation: Umbril: The City in the Shade Related Comics ¬ 0462 Our Heroes Regroup 2297 Treetment 3294 Ungorgoned 1487 Kurassa Offers Help 3396 Priestess Without A Goddess
ok so i am going to be that person, hang with me here.
Real female hyenas have a mock penis that is often much larger and more impressive than the males. would a female gnoll have a Pseudo-penis? it would explain as to why he looks so scared.
It would explain the "AAAAAAAGH!"
And also explain why her loincloth reaches so low…
Given that these are a sub-species of Gnolls, not hyenas, that’s extremely speculative of you.
They have at least as much in common biologically with humans as they do a quadruped, if not moreso.
I think the prince is anti-anthro.