0561 The Kings OTHER Epiphany on December 10, 2007 Chapter: Clover's FortunesCharacters: King Eric III of Drostardy, Sir TainleyLocation: Drostardy Manor Related Comics ¬ 3277 Determination 0917 Parting Words 0531 A Kings Best Feature 0870 BANG BANG 0255 Halfling MORE Melty
took him long enough
Sir Tainley did
(still love that pun name :p )
Loving how he draws his head back to add extra ‘oomph!!’ to the face-palm
Argh, it must be deliberate, but what is he certain about?
That Eric is an idiot?
Just the most common trope of romantic comedies – not seeing the one right before itself.
Your comment here was where I finally got the pun or even that there was a pun.
Panel 3: Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! A sudden revelation like that can be a real eye-opener, huh Eric?
Eric should be credited for inventing the light bulb. Or in this genre, perhaps a lit torch would be a more appropriate graphic.
More solid proof was never had that good is dumb.
LOVE it, an yeah, took em long enough.
Reading this my immediate thought is that he has not just thought of clover but actually someone completely different, I’ma even give a small chance that he’s going to marry the bard.
Eric is a sweet guy. Benevolent. Handsome. Everything you’d want in a boyfriend.
Took him long enough!
Love the fool/harlequin pattern Eric is wearing. Once again, Rich, you are amaaaazing!