0660 GREAT ORACLE on March 18, 2008 Chapter: Lich of the Rings Pt. ICharacters: Bob the Beholder, Cadugan, Charlotte, Cuddles the Cloaker, Grell, Gren Razortooth, Lucas Greyfort, Taidor the DruidLocation: The Great Oak Related Comics ¬ 1371 A Quick Ride 0093: A Touching Yet Volatile Friendship 3037 Unceremonious 2830 Bowing To Crowns 1436 A Tangly Web
Somebody’s peaked behind the curtain before.
I think this is a reference to the "oracle of all knowledge" who looked a lot like that, in "The Golden Voyage of Sinbad" (Starring Tom Baker as the evil magician, in the role that got him the part of The Fourth Doctor in Doctor Who.)