0674 The Fellowship Of The Stick
on April 1, 2008
Chapter: Lich of the Rings Pt. I
Characters: Baron Ellishand of Elwood City, Bob the Beholder, Cadugan, Charlotte, Gren Razortooth, Lucas Greyfort, Rhea Chief Archer of Elwood, Taidor the Druid
Location: Elwood City
Somebody either rolled a 4 or Prepared Explosive Arcane Runes this morning….
In case one does not know OotS:
…You know, actually… having the studs on the inside and not visible (would require a double layer of leather… but it’s probably that anyway) WOULD have the advantage that your attacker can’t see exactly where the studs are, and aim between them on purpose.
…If I were DM, I’d grant that unique-thinking player a +1 to AC to reflect that, and a small bonus to rolls against hypnotic or memorizing attacks, since the studs (while not sharp enough to do damage) are physically a bit uncomfortable and automatically are about as effective at snapping someone out of a trance as poking them would be.
I’d give them an HP loss for the studs, if the character was moving around much. Chafing damage. It’d be like shoes that didn’t quite fit properly, or a set of keys in your pocket that kept poking you.
"Studded leather" never actually existed, so trying to say what would "realistically improve" it is pretty silly.