0718 The Baroness Puts Her Foot Down
on May 15, 2008
Chapter: Lich of the Rings Pt. I
Characters: Baroness Rosalind Bennett, Bob the Beholder, Charlotte, Cuddles the Cloaker, Gren Razortooth, Thomas the Bard
Location: The Knotty Rose Tavern
"You never know who’s in your audience." Uh huh. Riiiiiight.
Such a smooth talker, that Thomas…..
It’s a modest tavern, at most 20m to a side, not an auditorium that seats 20,000 and only lights the stage. His eyes work.
A friend will warn you if you’re thinking of doing something highly illegal or dangerous…A great friend will try to talk you out of doing it even as you’re doing it.
A best friend is one who will be sitting inside the cell with you, raising his hand up for a high-five & say "Totally worth it dude!"
This joke is in the same vein as Charlotte’s last line in today’s strip.