It’s more like funeral have to be done a certain way and making the tiniest change pretty much means the Baron’s gonna be in limbo instead of moving on.
…if this is a "D&D style world" I think it is more like his "player" is the type we call a "rules lawyer" currently, rather than Owen himself having had a prior calling. The GM should just take the rules book away from them, and make a "you don’t know what my house rules are, until they come up" ruling…not that that helps, but it at least slows things down. It is players like this one who make it necessary to calculate how many Feats each monster has (and let’s be honest, who keep games interesting by preventing GM railroading).
Not just smooth, but sneaky as well
Why extra coins?
in greek mythology people need to pay to cross the river styx but he probaly wants some moolah even in the afterlife
All becomes clear soon
Do you think he was a lawyer before he was a duke?
It’s more like funeral have to be done a certain way and making the tiniest change pretty much means the Baron’s gonna be in limbo instead of moving on.
I think the extra coin is for a back trip fee…
…if this is a "D&D style world" I think it is more like his "player" is the type we call a "rules lawyer" currently, rather than Owen himself having had a prior calling. The GM should just take the rules book away from them, and make a "you don’t know what my house rules are, until they come up" ruling…not that that helps, but it at least slows things down. It is players like this one who make it necessary to calculate how many Feats each monster has (and let’s be honest, who keep games interesting by preventing GM railroading).