0816 Harpy Buffet on August 21, 2008 Chapter: Intermission 4Characters: Nike the HarpyLocation: The Black Mountain Related Comics ¬ 0152 Fortunate Unfortunate Collision 1262 Pointy Things 0198 Sap Sapped 0800 Exeunt 0514 Please Dont Shoot The Messenger Too Often
Harpies, ya gotta watch out for their midnight snackage.
Unnamed Vampiress: "You know… this is not the kind of reception that chatting with Bob and Glon had led me to expect."
Random harpy: "Got quite enough chicks up here already. It’s boys we’re happy to see. Thanks for the midnight snack."
As the saying goes: "I don’t know how many Harpies it takes to kick a Vampire’s ass… but I know how many they’re gonna use."