0822 Cadugans World on August 27, 2008 Chapter: Intermission 4Characters: Cadugan, Cadugan's Fox, WolLocation: WyldWood Forest Related Comics ¬ 1404 What She Figured Would Happen 1082 Ealings Attitude 0079: Let Me Show You The Light 1065 Pet Peeves 0635 Behold
Mhm…i wonder what happens next. I have to wonder cause there is this gap again (next comic is page 2.600). I hope the missing ones will come back some day :/
Hang there, if you read Rich Morris’ last post he explains what is going on and why
*Everyone* needs more foxes for friends. Rich, thanks for ‘de-gapping’.
"You smell like sad" that is strangely adorable