0945 A Little Help From Some Friends on December 28, 2008 Chapter: The Axe in the RockCharacters: Cadugan, Eddy the Mage, Lady Sidonie of Falconheim, Lucas Greyfort, Meegs, Prince Glitterbranch, Queen of the Wyldwood Wood Elves, Runtherd "Runt", Sir Aeden, Sir Idries of Falconheim, Sir Melian of ElwoodLocation: WyldWood Forest Related Comics ¬ 0646 Eye To Eye 2512 Chicken De Duke 0792 Getting To The Point 2553 Heroism Awaits 1764 Fake Out
And here we see Eddy’s first use of ventriloquism
ok i am calling shenanigans that ax must give a grate charisma bonce
Either Eddy did something clever here, or the boy’s really meant to be king.
Perhaps being told it’s your destiny to be a king can give you the self confidence to behave like one – after all, whatever you do must be kingly!
Kingly is he!
Sometimes things are so obvious only a child can see them.