0999 Congratulations All Round Then on February 20, 2009 Chapter: The Axe in the RockCharacters: Eddy the Mage, Lucas Greyfort, Meegs, Runtherd "Runt"Location: Castle Elegrost Related Comics ¬ 2596 The Fox Makes His Exit 1739 Night Visitor Part 2 0981 Runt Alliance Hearted 3038 The Mighty Meegs 1816 The Queen Has Spoken
Yay! For Meegs!
Fortunately for her, the bar of expectations has been set pretty low by the previous holder of the title. 😛
Never mind the axe: the proof Runt is the true king is that the crown didn’t fall off his head in panel 2.
It is safe to say that Eddy might be involved in that one.
Perhaps it's using sovereign glue?