1282 A Little Ethereal Chat on November 30, 2009 Chapter: BloodfireCharacters: Gruuumsh, Jone "Half-Orc" WhiteEyeLocation: The Afterlife Related Comics ¬ 2723 Goddess Chess 1399 Jone Battles The Army Of The Dead 1390 The Haven At Northgate 0293 Smack The Boatman 1349 Bad Time For Orc
OMG finally got it, Jone Half-Orc. Good one 😀
Joan of Arc? I suspected that she was going to side with the humans against the orcs in the raid after they had killed the blacksmith. But with Gruumsh being the god that speaks to her I guess that’s not in the cards.
It’s subtle enough to miss, isn’t it? Great little in-joke!