1299 On A Mission on December 17, 2009 Chapter: BloodfireCharacters: Arachne the Drow, Jone "Half-Orc" WhiteEye, Mme Goria WhiteEyeLocation: Arachne's Cavern, Cyclops Bros Smithy, Goria's Appartment, The Black Mountain, Training Room Related Comics ¬ 2127 ARROWED 2152 Backup Surprise 0376 So There Is A Catch 1395 Flame War 0003: Busted
Forgot to tag Jais
Could be any of the Mistresses, really… and for this brief scene, it doesn’t matter in the least which one it is anyway.
what is that sneaky 1 eyed god up 2?
Maybe something to do with hurting the elves? Gruumsh never was on good terms with Corellon Larethian, and that was before the the elf god plucked out his eye.
Plucked? I understood it as his eye was *bow-shot*