1355 Inns With Glass Cielings on February 11, 2010 Chapter: Jone: Half-OrcCharacters: Blind Dragon Innkeeper, Tireed of the Cult of JoneLocation: The Blind Dragon Inn Related Comics ¬ 1354 Koboldma 1356 From The Mouth Of Jone 1357 Just Reward
personally, even in the Middle Ages, I doubt that the Rathole Inn is doing as well as this competently-run inn with the female keep.
calling le shenanigans on this strip.
unless THIS inn has other problems not divulged here.
… like the innkeep’s clear bigotry. insulting potential clients will cut down on business.
shenanigans, retracted
Why let truth get in the way of a good narrative?
That clearly is Gilda's motto as well.