1369 Party Crashers on February 25, 2010 Chapter: Jone: Half-OrcCharacters: Guard Captain of Middleton, Jone "Half-Orc" WhiteEye, Pol of the Cult of Jone, Vulture 1, Vulture 2Location: City of Middleton Related Comics ¬ 1382 EH 1395 Flame War 2746 Seige Lich 1214 The Teeth Of The Matter 1393 Three Armies Gather
Yes, it’s true…The only ones who win with war are the vultures.
The ravens and the crowd don’t come out bad in the deal ;p
Also poppies.
And more rats than you care to think about.
Well, pigs come out to feast too…Domestic (if they get out of the pen) & feral.