1411 Tairy Fail Little Red Riding Turncoat on April 8, 2010 Chapter: Welcome Back LewstromCharacters: Granny the Red Dragon, Hud the Red Dragon, Redd the FoxwomanLocation: WyldWood Forest Related Comics ¬ 2848 Just Cause 0079: Let Me Show You The Light 0795 Oh Noes 0637 Girls Just Want To Have Fun 2564 Unwanted Would Be Rescue
What? You really killed her off? 🙁
No, if you look at the tags, this is a different foxwoman.
Maybe if she can trick her way out of this, they’d be an interesting couple to see again
Hope so, we need more recurring side-characters like her
It’s supposed to be a different person—this one is "Redd", not "Vixen".
You mean there were _two_ foxwomen? o_O
Well, there turned out to be more than one Gorgon, so why not?
:D!! :D!!
Sorry, can’t help this next pun…
"When he said he wanted to eat her, she didn’t think literally…"
(I know, I know…)
Noooooo she was on of my fav background characters
Don’t worry, this is a different foxwoman.
But Vixen has not yet made a re-appearance.
What a nice gift for his grandma