1530 Kassim Plans
on August 5, 2010
Chapter: Reflections in the Sand
Characters: Captain Grroon of the Elite Hyeeshat Army, Captain Mamoon, Captain Safana, Fatinah, Kurassa Elemental Wizard from the City of Haran, Nin, Prince Kassim Ibn Tambid Al Umbril, Princess Adina bint Vanessa al Umbil, Princess Sahar bint Vanessa Al Umbril min Ch'Thier, Turg
Location: Island of Gnoss
pretty please…?
She’s the captain. She’s not a captain without a ship. What else she gonna do?
And he’s not a crown prince beyond his kingdom, just an uppity client who can easily be marooned. Her crew knows how to sail, his doesn’t.
Sure, if she fancies choosing between being executed or turning to piracy. People don't take kindly to those that would kill royalty.