1608 Dont Underestimate The Bird Brain on October 22, 2010 Chapter: WormhunterCharacters: Astrid Wormhunter last of the Dragon Slayers, Francis the Falcon, Sir Idries of FalconheimLocation: Castle Elegrost Related Comics ¬ 3150 Her Highness Right Hand 3156 Rising Through The Ranks 2939 Scale To The Rescue Of The Rescuer 1326 Charged 3345 Troops On The Ground
Raptors are very very smart
Francis tried to establish his dominance, but Astrid is experienced with Dragons, it’s like a Chihuahua trying to bully someone who has trained bull mastiff’s
And yet, the Chihuahua won.
She’s experienced in KILLING dragons… not hunting with them.
BIG difference
Maybe if Chihuahuas were apex predators with sharp talons and beak… evolutionary successes instead of genetic disasters…
…No, I give up. Can’t make the analogy work.
the bird is not fooled
so none is noticing, sid changed her outfit during her market visit ? 😛
Without looking down, do you even know what outfit you're wearing today?