1676 Eddy Pitches In on December 28, 2010 Characters: Eddy the Mage, Runtherd "Runt", Sir CatianusLocation: Friggid Jarledom Related Comics ¬ 1645 An Axe To Grind 1640 Chatting With The Beast 1681 Sid Saves The Day 2863 I Siege You 0885 Bonkers
Was that a sphere of Annihilation??? screw this king, this wizard should have his own kingdom!!
I GOT to get me one of those! 😀
Ah, a portable <b>black</b> hole. Handy, but watch out for the Hawking Radiation.
Easy to forget that, for all his goofyness… Eddy is still a terrifyingly powerful wizard.
Meanwhile, in Skyrim…
"Where in the nine hells are we?!"
Thanks to Silverwolf’s comment, I’m also imagining them reappearing somewhere…except in some Frankensteinian mash-up of their heads, limbs and bodies.