1682 Dragon Councellor
on January 3, 2011
Chapter: Wormhunter
Characters: Adwen the Cruel, Astrid Wormhunter last of the Dragon Slayers, Black Dragon, Eddy the Mage, Freya Manslayer, Harald Werewolvesbane, Kazzur the Blue Dragon, Lady Sidonie of Falconheim, Runtherd "Runt", Sir Aeden, Sir Catianus, Sir Idries of Falconheim, Yellow Dragon
Location: Friggid Jarledom
😀 😀 😀 Freya is the best!
The dragons are probably afraid of her spoon.
“I mean, have you tried _not_ being a Slayer?” — Joyce Summers, 1997 (BtVS S02E22)