1729 Where Are They Now Caelin on February 19, 2011 Chapter: Night QueenCharacters: Baron Ellishand of Elwood City, Caelin, Diarmatt, Diarmatt's Bonnie Lass, Frank de Boer, Jewel the Pocket Bard, King of Fruush, Lucas GreyfortLocation: Castle Fruush, Elwood City, Saugren Vell, WyldWood Forest Related Comics ¬ 1905 Arrival In Elwood 2567 Ultimatum 1330 Posturing 1710 Conrad Gets The Job 2527 A Crisis Narrowly And Temporarily Averted
Or, a bit more likely, that hidden valley the main cast for this arc is looking for.
My guess would be Shangri-La (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shangri-La)