1743 Caelins Song on March 5, 2011 Chapter: Night QueenCharacters: Caelin, Caelin's Donkey, Eva the Librarian of Elwood, Gretta Green Hag, Lucas Greyfort, Taidor the DruidLocation: WyldWood Forest Related Comics ¬ 2906 Orc Double Back 2589 First Attack 1330 Posturing 0626 Introductions All Round 2847 Lewie And The Wood Elves
Wait, Caelin is a _guy_? o_O
Has been the whole time.
We can be forgiven for not being able to tell with elves, particularly those who wear shape-hiding clothing all the time.
He needs to get his eyes check, Gretta is a Green Hag, the very first thing he said she *wasn’t*!