1744 Caelin HAGgles on March 6, 2011 Chapter: Night QueenCharacters: Caelin, Gretta Green Hag, Lucas GreyfortLocation: WyldWood Forest Related Comics ¬ 3183 Board Room Surprise 2538 The Plan Is Altered A Little 0917 Parting Words 0922 Lucas Thinks 2927 Meegs And Hank
She just couldn’t stomach the pun-ishment, could she?
She’s not alone. I’ve known Scadians whom would have the same reaction
He didn’t even have to HAGgle for the terms of release.
Only 50 percent of those puns were bad. Hag-gard and Hag-gle are ok.
The last one was supposed to have been ‘hankie’ (capital ‘i’, not lower case ‘L’)