1886 Trusting Partners on July 27, 2011 Chapter: Night QueenCharacters: Cadugan, Cadugan's Fox, Glon Smitharm/Bloodhand, Kwurrrk, Lucas Greyfort, Thitth, Urtill, WowaggLocation: Sanctuary Village of the Winnaloo-Hoo-Hoo Related Comics ¬ 0897 Now Entering The Final Round 0376 So There Is A Catch 1331 Informed 3476 How Do We Know It Was Murder 0972 A Political Accord
Awww my heart!
Well, a (good) ranger should have good instincts. Be in not their usual territory should have make Cadugan more nervous… Therefor if he feels safe here, then it's probably really a safe place.