1950 Into The Drink on September 28, 2011 Chapter: The PlayersCharacters: Ben of the Fields, John Tempo, Lady Marion of HeatherdaleLocation: Saltspray Mountains Related Comics ¬ 3375 The Bottom Line 3367 Who Are These Kids Anyway 1918 The Case Of The Flower Sprites 1612 Large Size Rivals 1932 A Little Friendly
Everyone just needs their proper incentive.
Guess they never met the Siren’s outside Black Mountain 😛
Oh, you mean the HARPIES!
There are sirens as well. The harpies got into a tussle with them over a dinner guest. I can't recall the chapter, much less the strip.
True; those sirens are terrifying. These sea elf ladies, though, are nothing like sirens, so Ben and John should be more or less safe. Except that sea elves can strain a grouchy human or dwarf's patience, just like every other kind of elf…