2964 And Then There Were Five
on October 3, 2016
Chapter: Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Crossover
Characters: Bob the Beholder, Grell, Handler, Hank, Princess Gaggia Shadowtalker, Scale, Sir Idries of Falconheim
Location: Kingdom of Elegrost
Scale, Hank, Handler and Gertrude are all visiting us from “Cowboys and Crossovers”
Drawn by Ron Bender (Well, when they aren’t being drawn by me, that is…)
Whoa! The numbering system hiccup’d.
Well, the heavy artillery just left, so they MIGHT find out what hits them…
That sheep is givin me the scary eye!
He’s a Baaaaaa-d Dude!
Not a sheep. Pooka. Which just happens to look like an evil poodle sheep thing in his natural (if a shapeshifter really has a natural) form.
The Magnificent Five just doesn’t sound quite right
"The Fearsome Five"?
I’d say at least three of them were looking semi-‘Furious’…
TvTropes calls it the <a href="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FiveManBand">five-man band</a>.
SO… would that make…
Hank the Leader
Idries the Lancer
Gaggia as the Big Guy
Handler the Smart Guy
… that would leave Scale as the Chick?
In such situations there must be "7" Heroes. Not six not eight, but only seven. Thats Kurosawa-Style
Well maybe they’ll pick up two volunteers along the way…
Glon and Shaija should be somewhere along the way to the Black Mountain, hopefully they get picked up.
There’s your seven. 🙂
Also relating back to a previous comment on a previous comic, if the magic has subsided by such a degree for the effects of a gorgon’s gaze to dispel, there’s also Cadugan and Lucas.
Uncertain why people are likening this to a story about gathering heroes together.
Because this looks way more to me like Splitting Up The Party.
Earlier, one of them said they were invincible with Bob in the party. Now Bob’s leaving the party.
…This does not augur well.