2032 A Deal With Orcs on December 20, 2011 Chapter: Coup d'DrowCharacters: Lom, Mahr'i Duchess of Easterndark, MolkLocation: Drow Audience Hall Related Comics ¬ 2101 Top Clique 2153 Lolth Gets A Clue 2120 Confrontation Time 2117 Magnanimous Mahri 2015 REJECTED
Knew she couldn’t be trusted (as soon as the whole "Elizabeth" and "Mary" bit clicked, about two hours ago 🙁 )
Hmm… nice spot, re-read this several times and never twigged the English queens link before.
Can’t say as I grew up somewhere that the history of England is taught in schools. I wasn’t going to catch these references, beyond the original queen’s name-pun.
I twigged to the pun, but I felt she was less Elizabeth I and more Elizabeth Bathory.