2085 In A Dark Dark Wood on February 11, 2012 Chapter: Coup d'DrowCharacters: Arachne the Drow, Bollo, Glon Smitharm/Bloodhand, Princess Shaija of the Red Orcs, SitticaLocation: Weepwood Forest Related Comics ¬ 0167: Do I Have To Poke You In The Eye 3143 A Shamed 1712 Meegs Malibu Dream Tower 0831 The Goddess Gets Changed 2038 Is That A Threat
Bollo… hmm… Bollo…
I *think* this was one of Glon’s fellow soldiers in the non-human unit of the baron’s army, WAAAY back early in his storyline.
Yep. The one who was killed by that ghost lady.