2115 The Drow And The Scorpii on March 12, 2012 Chapter: Coup d'DrowCharacters: Anancy the Drider, Glon Smitharm/Bloodhand, Lolth Demon Queen of Spiders, Minister of Art and Beauty, Minister of Life and Spirit, Minister of Music and Song, Minister of Peace and Love, Minister of War, Minister of Water and Storms, Mnister of Air and Sky, Scorpi, The OneLocation: Anancy's Lair, Ancient Elf Stone Circle, First Green Land, Loltheia, Scorpeia Related Comics ¬ 1196 Duel Of The Century 0307 So Do You Like Stuff 2107 Food For Thought 3124 Forwarned And Confronted 3418 Another Wonderful Day
With even the Drow being still invided to the anual elven council meetings, I wonder what they did to piss the rest of elvenkind off.