2332 Lightheaded on November 5, 2012 Chapter: Mountain QuestCharacters: Big Bollo, Celena, Hoz, Morgana, Rehan the Rogue, Sir Nedworth de Tete "Ned the Head"Location: Elegrost Port Market Related Comics ¬ 3193 Lightning Bolts And Flying Catches 2371 Flip The Hook 2341 Who Unto Rassilons Tower Would Go 3378 Dwarf Theology 2401 Payoff
Are you sure that’s not really Morte, from the Planescape: Torment game?
A loose head named Ned? O.O You have a cruel humor.
For those who care: "de tĂȘte" is French for "of head".
It’s Actually Headless Ned!
Nope, he clearly has a head. He just misplaced his body.