2341 Who Unto Rassilons Tower Would Go on November 14, 2012 Chapter: Mountain QuestCharacters: Big Bollo, Celena, Hoz, Morgana, Morgana's Familiar Dice, Nike the Harpy, Rehan the Rogue, Sir Nedworth de Tete "Ned the Head"Location: Front Entrance, Lolth's Exit, Slave's Entrance, The Black Mountain Related Comics ¬ 0303 Happy Re Birthday 0786 Turning Tides 1253 Orc Appeal 0152 Fortunate Unfortunate Collision 0577 Lewies New Plan
i wonder what other ways in and out there are
Think back to the end of the Jone story and then read on to find out more 🙂
Maula's old place had a private entrance. There's the main port the hobgoblins used to control, and the smuggler's cove where Fang was docked. And that's just from the first few hundred strips.