2359 A Number Trick on December 3, 2012 Chapter: Mountain QuestCharacters: Big Bollo, Celena, Gren Razortooth, Hoz, Kobold Guard, Morgana, Rehan the Rogue, Sir Nedworth de Tete "Ned the Head", WolfLocation: Kobold Lair Related Comics ¬ 1431 Lounge Chat 2340 Nick Cage Isnt In This One 2319 Questions 0600 Kingdom Of The Dead 0171: Beholder Art
And they’re good at tricks-n-traps while in a fortified stronghold…Like right here in Black Mountain, for example.
I was going to argue how this isn’t necessarily true, but then I realized what a disservice it would be to the one true king, Captain Fang, to consider him _just_ a kobold.
This will be a slaughter. The real question is, which side will kill the most kobolds?