2411 Found Out on February 24, 2013 Chapter: Mountain QuestCharacters: Hunchback Gus, Idiot Genie, Kurassa Elemental Wizard from the City of Haran, Morgana, Morgana's Familiar DiceLocation: The Wilson Arms Tavern Related Comics ¬ 2313 The Missing Hero 1521 Salutations N Stuff 2406 While You Slept 1554 Evil Has A Face And Its OOOOOGLY 1473 The Road To Temshutep
So the other adventurers were not truly here friends, only the cat….
The cat is her familiar, this is an Idiot Genie: Morgana didn’t specify <I>which</I> friends, that’s why she ended up with friends she hadn’t seen in decades
*ends up with. It hasn’t happened yet. You’re babbling spoilers again.
Eh, it’s like one strip away, so not too much of a spoiler.