2571 Handy Glitterbranch on October 1, 2013 Chapter: Lucas By MoonlightCharacters: Caelin, Havrah, Prince GlitterbranchLocation: WyldWood Forest Related Comics ¬ 3055 Rescued 2524 Aroooo 1060 Charm And Flattery 3091 Feathered Followers 2520 Back To Square One
He never did learn how to handle females, did he! o_O
Don’t think Arachne ever bit him though
When did he escape her, anyway?
No, *she* escaped *him*, after converting his sister
She captured him when he got in her face to get revenge during the mission to rescue the Baron of the High Elves from the Drow just before Runt’s rebellion. I’m guessing she let him go as part of the Drow’s plans to undermine the goblinoid kingdom.
What happened? Why is the werewolf tied up now? Did a page get skipped?