2663: The Wiseman Revealed on July 25, 2014 Chapter: 063 - Adina's Voyage of WisdomCharacters: Kobold Wise Man of Haran, Princess Adina bint Vanessa al Umbil, Vachiritei the HaranLocation: The Steppes North of T'Pang Related Comics ¬ 3326 Flinders Keepers 1481 Defiant One 1517 You Say Destiny I Say Density 1557 The Wisdom Of Kurassa 2275 Fine Print
oh god is this guy related to Fang???
At least this guy seems coherent…A little…And for short periods of time at least.
or maybe the Oracle from Order of the Stick?
I prefer Greenhilt
Do all kobolds look alike to you?
(Kidding aside… start looking at the teeth. That other one is named "Fang" for a reason).
Is that quote from the old Tom and Jerry Cartoon?