2690: Respect For The Dead on October 24, 2014 Chapter: DewcupCharacters: Ayane the Ninja, Goldwolf the Pirate, Philip the Paladin, Slissy the Warlock, William the BarbarianLocation: WyldWood Forest Related Comics ¬ 2541 The Usual 0645 Little Beholder Games 1320 The Trials Of Being Cadugan 1062 The Challenge Begins 0080: Arachnes Threads
One of the many, many reasons I hate paladins and clerics.
Having played a paladin before, I seriously feel for Phillip here.
Let us now all say the traditional Goblin prayer for a beloved dead relative…
"I call dibs on his boots!"
"It’s not uncommon among their kind to, uh, cook and eat the remains of their dead."
"Ooohkay let’s not do that then."
"One that they practice among their kind." – So, you wanna EAT THEM?