2713 Fast Forward
on February 23, 2015
Chapter: Good or Bad
Characters: Ain, Bob the Beholder, Captain Razortooth of the Redcaps Elite Archer Division, Chimera, Clover Firelight, Gav Orc Priest of Gruuumsh, Geliminous "Gimmy" Cube, General Gronk Plundercheeks, Glon Smitharm/Bloodhand, Gren Razortooth, Jalla Razortooth, Jilted Dragon, King Eric III of Drostardy, Maula Bloodhand, Mrs Razortooth, Sal, The Sphynx of Temshutep, Turg, Two-Heads Ed, Yapp Gnarll
The usual day…
Now I’m wondering if that hand is going to be a dropped polt (’cause it’s part of someone else’s adventuring party) or if it’s going to come back…
…I know you’re going to follow up on Buttercup & her magically-created evil (good?) twin trapped in the otherdimensional tomb! That’s too juicy to ignore!
Yeah, can’t leave Arachne without her favourite little elf princess forever, right?
Hmm…so it was the past….
No, no. This IS normal.
Totally average day, nothing unusual
I swear that I could _hear_ the fast-forward sound effect there!