2743 Lewie On The Loose
As of today, YAFGC will no longer be updating daily -okay so that actually started ages ago. But what I mean is that despite YAFGC updating absolutely daily for 6 years (I didn’t miss a single day until things got real busy in my life!) and struggling to try to keep that happening and failinig miserably for the last 2+ years, I’ve decided to change the official update schedule to 3 days a week.
YAFGC will now be updated on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. What that means is that although there will be less YAFGC per week, it gives me time to keep up enough material to make sure it lasts as a regular thing for a long time to come.
Stick with us! Lots of YAFGC to come!
Ahhhhhhh HA !
So… he stole… a Trivial Pursuit game piece?
Yeah, the piece that holds the wedges, is he going to go on pursuit to get the six wedges, only to find it was ultimately trivial?
Don’t worry Rich, we weren’t going to say anything.
Lewie… What did you do?
Awww, puppy dog eye sockets!
Those aren’t puppy dog eye sockets, that’s more like he is maybe rolling his eyes or looking up into his conscience or something
YAY for regularity! At least it’d be more guaranteed.
So, what exactly is this artifact?
It’s a d10 die!
BTW, shouldn’t this be strip 2743?
Holy crap I’m falling to bits. Yes, you’re right. I’ll fix that later as well. Thanks!
Hey, no problem with the new Schedule, Nobody could keep up one a day unless it was their job, after all.
If anyone gives you any guff about the output, ask them for a paycheck
Coolness! I’ll be here reading. (And, yeah, it is a d10. )
That cannot possibly be a d10: there are six faces showing.
Good eye!
Nah. It’s just a rare miss-cast of a d10. That’s why it’s worth so much.
So, it’s a D12?
You do what you have to do. I’ll take quality over quantity any day. I know I’ll get quality here.
No worries on the update schedule, Rich. Communication about what’s going on is all that’s needed. You’ve been doing heroes work to put out as much content as you have all these years.
Thank You!!
Totally agree
I’m just really happy that there’s a schedule again! Now I don’t have to check daily again – even though it’s become almost a habit… This is definitely for the best.
I’m commenting rarely if ever, and I just wanted to shout out that YAFGC is one of the most vital, intelligent and professionally made stories out in the interwebz. And it has stayed true to itself from the start. And the personal involvement you have underlined demands respect.
Excellent work, and keep it up!
I hope the new schedule works for you
Have been checking in pretty much every day, even if you went to once a month would still check in every day
You have consistently put out, for free, a fantastic web comic, and will continue to read it for as long as the site is still up or until you ban me from commenting (so far, that has only happened once, and that was for hoping a villainous fictional character who has done bad things gets hurt, and that was after the creators themselves literally butchered another character, oh, and because the email used for this account isn’t real)
Been reading for about 5 years now, don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. Regardless of the update schedule :), just happy that it will continue to exist. ^^
That’s a perfectly logical and defensible point of view!
Oh, Lewstrom – telling yourself "It’s for the greater good" is the most reliable sign of Evil.
It is called "justification." Along the lines of "You can not enforce the law by breaking the law."
Sidelight — same justification Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore uses in /Harry Potter/. "Oh I’m doing evil things and letting others do evil — but it’s for the Greater Good — and I’m the only one who can make the judgement." If you’re toughening up an ally, at least admit it.