That spider tattoo in panel #2 … I’m very curious if that is a sisterhood only dedicated to the containment of Ranna, of if it is a larger sisterhood of which the containment of Ranna is only one of their duties.
Because, Arachne ….
And, per my comments on the previous strip(s), it makes mo wonder just how old Arachne is and when she entered into this story, even if peripherally at first. I haven’t forgotten that the child Arachne was a "good listener" when Lewie was alone in his crypt and lamenting his misfortunes.
And, agreed, Turgius. Panel #7 …. spiders are beautiful and magnificent creatures.
Panel 2 could be Arachne’s mother. I’m just wondering how/when an offshoot of the Order of the Spider got to Black Mountain. And what are Arachne and Charlotte’s ages in relation to each other. Seems like Charlotte might be older?
May be, but the drow in panel two is not the drow in panel one
It’s more likely that the Sisterhood of the Creeping Spider was already around, or they were freely able to come and go for some time before being fully sealed off (also, ready Wolf’s comment when Arachne revealed what her symbol _really_ meant? What he had always _thought_ it meant)
When I get to it. Each of those 1190 individual strips have to be re-labelled with date, number and title, then I have to index them. All while I’ve a very busy schedule with RL concerns.
Patience please.
Well, Arachne spending so much time with Charlotte makes sense now. Not that it didn’t make sense before I guess, but now there’s a more clear reason for it.
huh. It’s kinda weird that the drow are still evil with a priestess of Ch’thier as one of their high priestesses. You’d think she’d have tried to bring them back to the light.
Ata is a high priestess in the name of various deities, not the drow. The drow worship just one of those deities, the evil one. They wouldn’t pay heed to the word of other gods and also Lolth would be pissed if one of her priestesses, even if it’s in name only, tries to convert her followers to another god.
It’s also because Ata is the High Priestess of so many different dieties is why she mentioned that her job was to arbitrate between the various factions & keep the peace. One faction gets out of line, Ata has power from a number of deities to put them back INTO line.
Yes. It is "kinda weird." I think that’s exactly the point … Ranna is one of the most evil entities this universe has ever known. So evil that the Drow are willing to make alliances to keep her contained. Ranna is the embodiment of Chaotic Destructive, something very dangerous to Drow.
Ch’thier, I wil hazard a guess, would have no problem drawing the Drow toward the light. But, given her wisdom and love of the world, I would guess she takes a very, VERY long view of it. Living well and demonstrating a Better Way *IS* drawing them toward the light. Even progressing one step leaning toward neutral, away from evil, while also remaining strongly lawful is a positive step in a process that might take a millennia or three.
Ch’thier can wait. Gods have plenty of time to play the long game. Having Lolth (along with ALL the Drow goddesses) make a concession that a Ch’thier priestess is a superior choice for such a responsibility is victory of epic, eon-changing proportion. It’s a victory of Law rather than a battlefield victory, so less dramatic visually but moreso spiritually.
She is the river wearing at the granite rather than the lightening striking the tree; the difference between process and event.
Charlotte is older, probably by a good margin of perhaps hundreds of years. Charlotte existed before Ata was brought to be the High Priestess. At the moment Ata came into the story, Lewie was still young and flesh and blood, he became a lich quite some time later, and Arachne was a child after Lewie had become full lich. So, 50 years bare minimum and likely quite a bit more.
As stated specifically 2 strips back (#2724), Ranna is dormant and contained within the mortal child, Charlotte.
We’ll (possibly?) see, during the course of this arc, that some sort of subconscious bleedover from Ranna into Charlotte was probably in effect, explaining to some extent Charlotte’s personality & behavior.
That’s the thing though, we still don’t know how long the Drow maturation period lasts: for humans, it is around 15 to 18 years (depending on society not genetics) before they change into their ‘adult’ form, whereas for Drow it might be a 70 to 100 years
Main reason for the thinking was: is there anything left of ‘Charlie’ in Charlie (depending exactly at what age she was when she got Ranna as a ‘houseguest’) or if it’s all ‘CharAnna’ now
We’ve seen one young Drow mature in under a decade. I don’t recall their names at the moment, but she’s the one who has a thing for that young knoll. They started out as kids, roughly equivalent of human 7-10 year olds and are now teens-ish, like ~17 or something human equivalent. That all happened in YAFGC time of approximately ten years, no more than ~13.
So, Drow appear to synchronize closely with young human growth and aging up to about 20-ish, then post-teen humans age rapidly while Drow enter a very lengthy and sustained adulthood.
From what timeline I’ve been able to grok together from canon events in this strip, Arachne may be extremely young by Drow standards, perhaps only 30-50-ish. The key event would be finding out exactly where in the YAFGC universe timeline that "Good Listener" strip occurred that I posted at the top of these comments. It could have been 20 to 200 years ago or more. Until we (some day, maybe) see another documented event to assign an approximate date.
Well, I screwed up a bit on that. In the Turning Tides strip, my eyes weren’t good enough to notice that Lewie is still young flesh & blood; I thought he was already full lich in that panel.
Ørjan caught that in the comments back on strip:
So, Arachne probably has to be 50-100 at the youngest, and likely a good bit older.
Also, Charlotte was granted a greatly extended lifespan…Even her aging from infancy onwards was greatly slowed down. Yeah, she could be *very* much older than Arachne.
Wait. So, why did Arachne not care about Charlotte’s disappearance and her faith at all? Didn’t she neglect her duty by just leaving Charlotte on her own?
Because she believe it was Lizzie, not Charlie, who possessed Ranna’s spirit (almost said ‘soul’, but we know Ranna has no soul, even when she was alive )
(Panel 7), But that spider so adorable Ata (;W;)
Adorable? For the unholy spawn of Satan and Ultra Satan, sure. Otherwise, less so.
But those adorable mandibles. As long as it keeps them and the rest of it’s self away from me…
It just wants a high-five!
That spider tattoo in panel #2 … I’m very curious if that is a sisterhood only dedicated to the containment of Ranna, of if it is a larger sisterhood of which the containment of Ranna is only one of their duties.
Because, Arachne ….
And, per my comments on the previous strip(s), it makes mo wonder just how old Arachne is and when she entered into this story, even if peripherally at first. I haven’t forgotten that the child Arachne was a "good listener" when Lewie was alone in his crypt and lamenting his misfortunes.
And, agreed, Turgius. Panel #7 …. spiders are beautiful and magnificent creatures.
Ah … two embarrassing & confusing typos:
– containment of Ranna, OR if it is a
– it makes ME wonder just
Wouldn’t have usually posted on that, but also had another thought: Panel #2 — wonder if that might be Charlottes mother.
Good Lord!
PANEL #4 … Not 2!! Going to bed now …..
Panel 2 could be Arachne’s mother. I’m just wondering how/when an offshoot of the Order of the Spider got to Black Mountain. And what are Arachne and Charlotte’s ages in relation to each other. Seems like Charlotte might be older?
May be, but the drow in panel two is not the drow in panel one
It’s more likely that the Sisterhood of the Creeping Spider was already around, or they were freely able to come and go for some time before being fully sealed off (also, ready Wolf’s comment when Arachne revealed what her symbol _really_ meant? What he had always _thought_ it meant)
Charanna confirmed.
Who’s Charanna?
A portmanteau of the names Charlotte and Ranna, I guess.
And we now know more about the Order of the Spider, too.
Happy Knowsday?
Check Charlotte’s entry, "recent appearance".
It was obvious it was Charlotte and it’s not even being hid.
BTW, when are the strips between 1590 and 2600 gonna get added back?
When I get to it. Each of those 1190 individual strips have to be re-labelled with date, number and title, then I have to index them. All while I’ve a very busy schedule with RL concerns.
Patience please.
Well, Arachne spending so much time with Charlotte makes sense now. Not that it didn’t make sense before I guess, but now there’s a more clear reason for it.
huh. It’s kinda weird that the drow are still evil with a priestess of Ch’thier as one of their high priestesses. You’d think she’d have tried to bring them back to the light.
Ata is a high priestess in the name of various deities, not the drow. The drow worship just one of those deities, the evil one. They wouldn’t pay heed to the word of other gods and also Lolth would be pissed if one of her priestesses, even if it’s in name only, tries to convert her followers to another god.
It’s also because Ata is the High Priestess of so many different dieties is why she mentioned that her job was to arbitrate between the various factions & keep the peace. One faction gets out of line, Ata has power from a number of deities to put them back INTO line.
Just because they live underground and they do bad things does not make them evil :p
Their alignment is Lawful Evil.
They’re not evil because they do bad things, they do bad things because they are evil.
Yes. It is "kinda weird." I think that’s exactly the point … Ranna is one of the most evil entities this universe has ever known. So evil that the Drow are willing to make alliances to keep her contained. Ranna is the embodiment of Chaotic Destructive, something very dangerous to Drow.
Ch’thier, I wil hazard a guess, would have no problem drawing the Drow toward the light. But, given her wisdom and love of the world, I would guess she takes a very, VERY long view of it. Living well and demonstrating a Better Way *IS* drawing them toward the light. Even progressing one step leaning toward neutral, away from evil, while also remaining strongly lawful is a positive step in a process that might take a millennia or three.
Ch’thier can wait. Gods have plenty of time to play the long game. Having Lolth (along with ALL the Drow goddesses) make a concession that a Ch’thier priestess is a superior choice for such a responsibility is victory of epic, eon-changing proportion. It’s a victory of Law rather than a battlefield victory, so less dramatic visually but moreso spiritually.
She is the river wearing at the granite rather than the lightening striking the tree; the difference between process and event.
Until we came along… sorry about that >.>’
Does this mean Charlie is older than Arachne?
Also, is Charlie still in there with Ranna ‘dormant’, or is it the other way around?
Charlotte is older, probably by a good margin of perhaps hundreds of years. Charlotte existed before Ata was brought to be the High Priestess. At the moment Ata came into the story, Lewie was still young and flesh and blood, he became a lich quite some time later, and Arachne was a child after Lewie had become full lich. So, 50 years bare minimum and likely quite a bit more.
As stated specifically 2 strips back (#2724), Ranna is dormant and contained within the mortal child, Charlotte.
We’ll (possibly?) see, during the course of this arc, that some sort of subconscious bleedover from Ranna into Charlotte was probably in effect, explaining to some extent Charlotte’s personality & behavior.
That’s the thing though, we still don’t know how long the Drow maturation period lasts: for humans, it is around 15 to 18 years (depending on society not genetics) before they change into their ‘adult’ form, whereas for Drow it might be a 70 to 100 years
Main reason for the thinking was: is there anything left of ‘Charlie’ in Charlie (depending exactly at what age she was when she got Ranna as a ‘houseguest’) or if it’s all ‘CharAnna’ now
We’ve seen one young Drow mature in under a decade. I don’t recall their names at the moment, but she’s the one who has a thing for that young knoll. They started out as kids, roughly equivalent of human 7-10 year olds and are now teens-ish, like ~17 or something human equivalent. That all happened in YAFGC time of approximately ten years, no more than ~13.
So, Drow appear to synchronize closely with young human growth and aging up to about 20-ish, then post-teen humans age rapidly while Drow enter a very lengthy and sustained adulthood.
From what timeline I’ve been able to grok together from canon events in this strip, Arachne may be extremely young by Drow standards, perhaps only 30-50-ish. The key event would be finding out exactly where in the YAFGC universe timeline that "Good Listener" strip occurred that I posted at the top of these comments. It could have been 20 to 200 years ago or more. Until we (some day, maybe) see another documented event to assign an approximate date.
Well, I screwed up a bit on that. In the Turning Tides strip, my eyes weren’t good enough to notice that Lewie is still young flesh & blood; I thought he was already full lich in that panel.
Ørjan caught that in the comments back on strip:
So, Arachne probably has to be 50-100 at the youngest, and likely a good bit older.
Also, Charlotte was granted a greatly extended lifespan…Even her aging from infancy onwards was greatly slowed down. Yeah, she could be *very* much older than Arachne.
the 2nd panel, a typo: the_Y_ had formed
Wait. So, why did Arachne not care about Charlotte’s disappearance and her faith at all? Didn’t she neglect her duty by just leaving Charlotte on her own?
Damn, that’s late to correct my typos.
Because she believe it was Lizzie, not Charlie, who possessed Ranna’s spirit (almost said ‘soul’, but we know Ranna has no soul, even when she was alive